[News] Let's Color The World in White!


Feel confused about the title? Sounds so strange, huh?
Well, it's true. It's called a "new revolution" of fighting against global warming. Painting our house's roof in white? Very interesting, isn't it? Just imagine that we are the presidents of US.
In fact, everything in white would reflect the ray or radiation of sunlight. It is said also that painting our roof in white can lower the temperature inside our house. Is it true? Maybe so. Sounds logical I think.

"Making roads and roofs a paler colour could have the equivalent effect of taking every car in the world off the road for 11 years," Steven Chu said.

I'm sure that you all are saying, "Who the h*ll is Steven Chu?" (Just kidding :D).
Honestly, I have just known him 15 minutes ago. He is the secretary of US Energy Organization.
He is the provoker of this new method of ending (Huh? Ending? Alright, fighting.) the global warming.

It was a geo-engineering scheme that was "completely benign" and would keep buildings cooler and reduce energy use from air conditioning, as well as reflecting sunlight back away from the Earth.

Believe it or not, it's written that the car factories are going to produce new cars in dominant color of white. (My father had already owned one. :D)

If you want to read further about this news, just click : HERE

So, guys, are you ready for the revolution? The paint factory will get big profit I think.. :D:D. Lucky to you who own a shop or even a paint factory. It would be nice.

Hey, I'm sorry if there are grammatical errors in my writing. I'm just a human whose TOEFL score is about 547. Far away from 670. (OMG! Is there anybody whose TOEFL score is 670?)
Anyway, thanks for reading my articles. Hopefully, it is useful for your knowledge. May God Bless You.

Note : Sorry for being absent for many days. I'm still busy..so much to do, so little time. And OH! I'm going to have a 2nd semester examination starts next Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009. Please pray for me :D. Take care!

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