Tips for getting rid the boredom when you are inside an elevator : (very effective if there are many people inside!)
1. (If the elevator is still empty) Put a box at the corner, and wait for one/more people go inside with you. When the door closes, ask him/her/them, "Do you hear tic..toc..tic...toc..?" while doing so, point your finger to the box.
2. If there are only two people inside (you and someone), poke his/her shoulder and then throw your glance to somewhere else.
3. By using your hand phone, call your daddy and tell him that you are in an elevator. Then, end the call, and call your mommy, tell her the same thing.
4. Press the buttons there, and act as if you were shocked by electricity. And give a smile to everybody there, and do it again.
5. When the door closes, say "Don't worry! No need to be panic! The door will open soon!".
5. Open up your bag, and say "Is there enough air for you to breath?".
6. Bring a stethoscope, and listen to the wall of the elevator.
7. Take a picture of the people inside (by using a camera or hand phone).
8. Take out your chess board, put it on the floor, and ask to people there whether one of them wants to play with you.
9. By using marker or something, draw a line on the floor and say, "This is my region!"
10. Finally, when you want to get out of the elevator and there are still many people inside, press all of the buttons at the control panel, and say "Have a nice trip!" and give them a smile.
Use it at your own risk! LOL.
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